RIP Michael and Farrah!

I am so overdue for an update here that news and personal events are piling up in a heap. Michael Jackson dead at 50! Farrah Fawcett passes away on the same sad day. Shmoopy was watching YouTube Farrah tributes last night while I was at my penultimate session of the writer’s workshop led by Michael McAllister.
Despite all the craziness that surrounded Michael Jackson, his creative genius was never in question. He will be more remembered for his music and performances than anything else. Which is more than can be said for his adult life, sadly.

Amidst the gloom I got a chuckle from the statement last night from his attorney as quoted today in the papers:

“I have warned that one day Michael Jackson would wake up dead”

– in regards misuse of prescription drugs. Well, unfortunately he did not wake up.

At writing group one member said he was a huge Michael fan as a teen, even keeping a rhinestoned glove hidden in a drawer. Another member had the iconic Farrah Fawcett poster in his room. I still have a fondness for Charlie’s Angels – maybe Lifetime or Oxygen will begin a set of reruns.


With the DOJ’s insulting brief against a gay California couple’s challenge to federal DOMA, I am even more over Obama. Just not feeling the Hope any longer. Bashing gays? Protecting torturers? Shutting down backers of a public health option for reform?

Nope. I’m not feeling it.

Viva tomato!

My Sweet 100 and Black Cherry are growing big – and I’ve already got some wee little cherry tomatoes. I put a daily reminder on my Blackberry calendar to bring the pot in at 5pm, but it only goes out on days (like today) where we have sun.

The heirloom beans stay on the roof but seem to be doing well regardless. I think they are pole beans, so I’ll need some supports soon.