Is it Folsom yet?

I came across a photo that made me think of San Francisco’s Folsom Street Fair in all its hard-muscled fetish-wear Tom of Finland macho fabulousness.


These guys are in training for the NFL Combine (Yo sport-tard, don’t even ask me!) at a private camp called Perfect Competition. It’s America’s answer to Japan’s infamous system of juku (cram schools)  except for muscles and reflexes not brain power.

“At Perfect Competition, they train with specialists, learning tricks that will add a few inches to their vertical jump, teach them how to take the corners on the 3-cone drill and ultimately shave a few tenths of a second off these timed drills.”   Yow, all this stuff about tricks, inches, and that 3-cone drill sounds almost dirrrty!

If any of these guys does not make the draft,  they’ve got some assets to fall back on.  Uh huh!  In the meantime they’re going to be too busy to make it here for Folsom at the end of September, so perhaps we can send them an invitation to Dore Alley instead?

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